Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Implementing a Tree Collection in .NET

Once upon a time I needed a native tree collection to implement an algorithm in .NET, and well...there
isn't one. So I decided to make my own tree. A fluent one at that. Lets get started shall we?

First thing's first, we need a base class. Let's call it...say...Node!

using System.Collections.Generic;

public interface INode<T> {
    IEnumerable<Node<T>> Children { get; }
    INode<T> AddChild(T value);
    INode<T> AddChild(Node<T> value);
    bool HasChild(Node<T> node);
    bool HasChild(T value);

using System.Collections.Generic;

public class NodeBase<T> : INode<T> {
    protected readonly List<Node<T>> ChildNodes;
    readonly Dictionary<Node<T>, object> _nodeLookup;

    public NodeBase() {
        ChildNodes = new List<Node<T>>();
        _nodeLookup = new Dictionary<Node<T>, object>();

    public IEnumerable<Node<T>> Children { get { return ChildNodes; } }

    public INode<T> AddChild(Node<T> node) {

        _nodeLookup[node] = null;

        return this;

    public INode<T> AddChild(T value) {
        return AddChild(value.Node());

    public bool HasChild(Node<T> node) {
        return _nodeLookup.ContainsKey(node);

    public bool HasChild(T value) {
        return _nodeLookup.ContainsKey(value.Node());

public sealed class Node<T> : NodeBase<T> {
    public Node(T value) : this(value, null) {}

    public Node(T value, params Node<T>[] nodes) {
        if(nodes != null)

        Value = value;

    public T Value { get; private set; }

    public override bool Equals(object obj) {
        if (obj == null) return false;

        var node = obj as Node<T>;

        return node != null && node.Value.Equals(Value);

    public override int GetHashCode() {
        return Value.GetHashCode();

    public static bool operator == (Node<T> left, Node<T> right) {
        return left.Equals(right);

    public static bool operator != (Node<T> left, Node<T> right) {
        return !left.Equals(right);

I wanted a common interface for all Nodes to implement and also a default base class they could inherit from. I also implemented HasChild for fast lookups. Lastly I wanted clients to consume all children as an IEnumerable<T> as opposed to a List<T>. This forces clients to call my implementation of Add so that I can place any newly added Nodes in my internal lookup. Some of you may be wondering why I used a Dictionary as opposed to a HashSet. Well, through a few simple tests, I discovered that this was the fastest way to determine if a Node has a particular child.
Oh, almost forgot. I implemented GetHashCode and Equals for equality. This is helpful when using Nodes inside of Dictionaries.

For example the following code will fail despite the 2 Nodes being completely separate instances.

// key already exists
var dic = new Dictionary<Node<int>, string> {
                                               { new Node<int>(3), string.Empty },
                                               { new Node<int>(3), string.Empty }

I also took time out to implement the == and != operators

// this will print out true
Console.WriteLine(new Node<int>(3) == new Node<int>(3));

And my lookup tests...

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;

public class LookupTests {
    public static void Execute() {
        const object o = null;

        var list = Enumerable.Range(1, 10000000).ToList();
        var dic = list.ToDictionary(n => n, n => o);
        var hashtable = new HashSet<int>();

        list.ForEach(n => hashtable.Add(n));

        // has to enumerate the entire sequence since worst case scenario occurs. O(n)
        Time(() => list.Contains(10000000));

        // O(1)
        Time(() => dic.ContainsKey(10000000));

        // O(1)
        Time(() => hashtable.Contains(10000000));

        // has to make only 1 check since best case scenario occurs. should be just as fast as dictionary lookup. O(n)
        Time(() => list.Contains(1));

        // has to enumerate half the sequence. should be half as fast as first test. O(n)
        Time(() => list.Contains(10000000 / 2));

    static void Time(Action test) {
        var stopWatch = new Stopwatch();





The implementation using the Dictionary was consistently faster than the rest; including HashSet. Even if I were dead wrong on my conclusion that Dictionary is faster, I could always change the implementation later on due to the benefit of encapsulation. All clients care about is that I return the right result, not "HOW" I did it.

Now we need something to attach all those Nodes to, probably a Tree!

using System;
using System.Linq;

public class Tree<T> : NodeBase<T> {
    readonly static ConsoleColor[] Colors;

    static Tree() {
        Colors = Enum.GetValues(typeof (ConsoleColor)).Cast<ConsoleColor>().ToArray();

    public Tree(params Node<T>[] nodes) {

    public void PrettyPrint() {
        ChildNodes.ForEach(n => PrettyPrintRecursive(0, n, 4));

    static void PrettyPrintRecursive(int indent, Node<T> node, int colorIndex) {
        Console.ForegroundColor = Colors[colorIndex % Colors.Length];

        Console.WriteLine("{0, " + indent + "}", node.Value);

        foreach (var child in node.Children)
            PrettyPrintRecursive(indent + 3, child, colorIndex + 1);


A Tree is basically a Node, but it doesn't have a value. It just contains other Nodes. You'll also notice that I've implemented a handy helper method in order to get a visual representation of our tree on screen. I of course used recursion to iterate the tree since they possess that innate quality. I used the modulace operator so I don't have to worry about IndexOfOfRangeExceptions. I could pass 1000 as the colorIndex and things still work out just fine.

Now that we have a basic structure in place, let's actually construct a Tree.

NOTE: Don't try compiling my code just yet because you're missing a few methods.. The best is yet to come.

class Program {
    static void Main() {
        var three = new Node<int>(3);

        var four = new Node<int>(4);
        four.AddChild(new Node<int>(9));
        four.AddChild(new Node<int>(10));
        four.AddChild(new Node<int>(11));

        var five = new Node<int>(5);


        var tree = new Tree<int>(three, four, five);


So we made a tree and printed it out, but the syntax is rather verbose. Seeing as how I have a backgroud in F#, I prefer my syntax to be as lean as possible. It's about time I whipped out my swiss army knives and cut the fat off this tree!!

"Oh extension methods...where are you?"

"Right here sir!!"

"Did you bring LINQ with you?"

"Yes sir we did!!

"Thank you extensions..."

Okay, enough with the personification already.

using System.Linq;
using System.Linq;

public static class NodeExtensions {
    public static Node<T> Node<T>(this T value) {
        return new Node<T>(value);

    public static Node<T> Node<T>(this T value, params T[] values) {
        return new Node<T>(value).Children(values);

    public static Node<T> Node<T>(this T value, params Node<T>[] nodes) {
        return new Node<T>(value, nodes);

    public static Node<t> Children<T>(this Node<T> node, params T[] values) {
        values.ToList().ForEach(n => node.AddChild(n));

        return node;

    public static Node<T> Children<T>(this Node<T> node, params Node<T>[] nodes) {
        nodes.ToList().ForEach(n => node.AddChild(n));

        return node;

class Program {
    static void Main() {
        var nodeOne = 1.Node(3.Node(3.Node(2), 4.Node(99), 5.Node(15, 20, 90)), 4.Node(7, 7, 7), 5.Node(8, 7, 7));

        var tree = new Tree<int>(nodeOne, 2.Node(8, 8).Children(4, 5, 6, 7, 8));


Now we can write some nifty syntax. I wanted to make things as flexible as possible when adding child Nodes. You can add raw values as they are, you can call the children extension for a more domain specific approach, or you can amplify a value by wrapping it as a node and add it that way. Extension methods allow you the leverage type inference and the compiler to its full extent. I wish the same could be achieved at construction time, but making extra helper methods aren't so bad. I really got into a habit of using extensions for type inference in C# by reading Thomas P's book Real Work Functional Programming. That guy is a genius!! He and Don Syme both. If you want to be a better programmer, I'd suggest reading that book and Expert F# 2.0. They'll take you a long way in .NET and show you what you've been deprived of all these years using Java and C# (C# not so much, but Java...yea).

And that's it!! We created our base class and interface INode and NodeBase. Then we implemented our two concretes classes (Tree and NodeBase). And lastly we spiced things up using type inference and extension methods to get a fluent, clean syntax. Feel free to use the code in whatever way you like. It's about time we get a native tree to work with in .NET huh? Come on Microsoft!!

Well...until next time my friends. I'll be back with another post for RavenDb and NHibernate. I think you'll like it. It's quite the implementation.


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